Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a neurological disorder that affects the outside coating of certain nerves in the body, and it can affect people in different ways.

Multiple sclerosis typically decreases strength and movement, affects memory, affects speech and has a high fatigue component (fatigued from movement and susceptible to fatigue from heat).

To understand more about Multiple Sclerosis, you can learn more by reading What is Multiple Sclerosis and the different conditions on this website

How Community Therapy helps people with Multiple Sclerosis

Occupational Therapy

Our OTs help to ensure the person’s home environment is safe, as well as prescribe appropriate assistive equipment to help people live independently.

We will also address how people are currently planning and performing daily tasks.

This could be processes relating to:

  • Cooking
  • Cleaning
  • Managing their household
  • Accessing their home
  • Accessing the community


Our Physiotherapists primarily help people optimise their mobility, strength and balance.

We also implement strategies of how to manage fatigue to ensure that they continue moving about their environment as independently as possible.

Physiotherapy sessions are usually delivered on a weekly or fortnightly basis.

Read a success story of someone living with Multiple Sclerosis

Upon meeting a lovely lady with MS we discovered one of her goals was to return to gardening, as she very much enjoys the great outdoors.

She engaged us to perform minor modifications to her home, fortnightly Physiotherapy sessions to work on strength, balance and mobility as well as fortnightly OT visits to develop strategies to independently manage her ability to garden, which can be quite a hot and fatiguing task.

The last time we visited her, the flowers were blooming and there was a smile on her face!

Referral process

We accept referrals from all sources. We accept referrals from coordinators at MS Australia, the person living with MS themselves, support personnel, family members and other health professionals.

Once we have received a referral, we book an initial assessment with our clinician depending on what services are required, at a convenient time for the person and/or their support persons.

Assessment, funding & services

Our OTs and/or Physios will visit the person’s home and spend time with them looking at

  • Their environment
  • Assessments of strength, balance & mobility
  • Current equipment
  • Possible future needs of equipment
  • Possible modifications to the home

Together, we’ll formalise a plan with that person on how to best move forward and achieve their meaningful goals.

People access our services typically through their NDIS plan, home care package, or pay privately and may receive rebates from their private health insurance.

Community Therapy is NDIS registered for Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy services.

Contact Us

Clinician standing at someone's front door